Looking to obtain a Tax ID number but don’t know how?

Applying for a tax ID number, or employer identification number is required by law to transact currency under your business name or entity. It is also needed to open up a bank account in the name of the business that you are operating.

Here at Solid Ground Consultants, we give you a peace of mind guarantee, that this will be done correctly and accurately. Making your journey of launching your business and generating income legally a smooth transition.

We can also appoint you an accountant that can assist you annually so that you are filing your tax returns correctly, and meeting all government guidelines.

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What Is a EIN/TIN Number?

An EIN/TIN is a 9-digit number, similar to your social security number. This is the number that the IRS will use to identify certain entities for tax purposes. It is a form of government / federal tax ID with a numeric format EX: 01-2345678.

The purpose of an EIN/ Tax ID Number:

  • Opening a new business
  • Hiring employees
  • Opening a business bank account
  • Changing the legal character or ownership of your organization (for example, if you incorporate a sole proprietorship or form a partnership)
  • Have a Trust formed or created a trust, pension plan, corporation, partnership, LLC
  • Representing an estate that operates a business after the owner’s death.

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    Federal Tax IDs are required for many different organizations including:

      • Sole Proprietorships/ Individuals
      • Limited Liability Companies
      • Partnerships
      • Corporations
      • S-Corporations
      • Trusts
      • Church-Controlled Organizations
      • Estates
      • Non-Profits
      • Some other business entities

    Most often, you need a federal tax ID if you plan to:

    • Form a corporation, LLC, or partnership
    • Open a business bank account
    • Pay business taxes
    • Pay one or more employees
    • Open a business bank account
    • Start a business line of credit
    • Form a corporation, LLC, or partnership